You like reading, right? Well of course you do. If the thought of reading was so repellent to you, you wouldn’t be reading this (very artfully written) blog. And then you wouldn’t be getting all these great ideas for places to go on Seastreak. And then you would be sad. And we can’t have that, now can we?

So why not show some appreciation for that basic skill that lets you talk with us like this, and consider spending some time at the Oak Bluffs Library? It may seem a bit odd at first to take a ferry “just” to see a library, but Oak Bluffs has a good collection, as well as a collection of resources and activities that make it of particular interest.
Oak Bluffs Library 1
A History of Books
The library begin in 1883 with the recognition of the town’s need for one by the Rural Improvement Association. A call was put out and books were collected. They were then housed in the house of one of the RIA members, until it grew again, and again, and again, jumping homes no less than four additional times before landing just 10 years ago in their current residence — the very first building in their 150-year history to be built specifically to be a library.
Oak Bluffs Library 2
Activities for the Kiddies
But even if the history of the library doesn’t interest you, what they’re doing there might. Especially if you have kids! The library features story times for three different age groups — Book Babies (2 to 24 months) on Thursdays, Toddler Time (18 months to 3 years) on Fridays, and Alphabets (3 years and older, and involves a parachute) on Wednesdays.
Oak Bluffs Library 3
The library also plays host to other events like stamp collecting, a visiting pet expert, “books and bites,” and so on, so even if you don’t have kids there’s something here for you.

The written word is a powerful tool, and is powerfully fun. Let Seastreak whisk you away to a land of imagination for an afternoon or a morning, and see what pleasure comes of it. Just book a ticket with us, and we’ll make sure to get a book back to you!

Sea you Soon!
The Seastreak Family

Filed Under: Oak Bluffs Library